11/22/2009 10:59:00 AM
Hey hey hey - 60 votes!
The whole world just witnessed Harry Reid's winning dice roll. The Senate has moved past the dreaded filibuster on the health care reform act debate, and now Congress is scheduling numerous, numerous pissing contests for the next year. You know, to decide which "shoulds" shall be "shalls," and which "shalls" should be "shoulds."
Even FOX "news" is reporting it. Really!
But Red- "ow my balls" -State.org... well, they've just got more important news to report:

Oh, yes it is.
Incidentally, RedPussy, 'standby' is a noun. As in "the crew is on standby." If you're telling someone to stand by, it'd be two words. Dipshits.
The whole world just witnessed Harry Reid's winning dice roll. The Senate has moved past the dreaded filibuster on the health care reform act debate, and now Congress is scheduling numerous, numerous pissing contests for the next year. You know, to decide which "shoulds" shall be "shalls," and which "shalls" should be "shoulds."
Even FOX "news" is reporting it. Really!
But Red- "ow my balls" -State.org... well, they've just got more important news to report:
Oh, yes it is.
Incidentally, RedPussy, 'standby' is a noun. As in "the crew is on standby." If you're telling someone to stand by, it'd be two words. Dipshits.
11/11/2009 10:54:00 AM

Semper Puerilis.
Allow me to drop my liberal mindset, assume the Devil's Advocate role, and engage in some stereotyping for a moment:
Marines are the very reason our military has such a tough time overseas. Nations tolerating our presence in their sovereign lands, and the jar heads are raping preteen girls, mooning local politicians, sucker-punching waiters, flipping off royalty, and hitting CHRISTIAN PRIESTS OVER THE HEAD WITH TIRE IRONS.
Oh sure, that last one happened in our country. I'm sure that's a comfort to the Greek Orthodox church.
And I realize it's not just the marines doing these idiotic things to foreigners. But many do not, and the USMC will now have to deal with an already diminishing collective self-esteem in light of most people's impressions of Privates Pyle, Joker and Cowboy.
Why would the USMC be experiencing self-esteem issues?
For years many have rationalized this behavior by saying the best recipe for ground combat elites consists of a heaping tablespoon of psychosis (the remainder being an ounce of stupidity, teaspoon of ignorance, and a sprinkling of abnormal brain chemistry). Actually, this old formula has never been the best, but the cheapest, route to disposable heroes.
And it might have worked when we faced enemies who didn't want to die. But this terrorism shit has changed the stakes. As tragic as it might be, the ultimate sacrifice by a G.I. pales in comparison to the enemy who intentionally blows himself up in the name of "victory."
With Blackwater and other contractors, joint Special Forces, and an Army doing most of the heavy lifting in Afghanistan and Iraq, the USMC is an increasingly immaterial element of the DoD. What they don't need right now is some goon reinforcing their negative stereotypes.
In fact, the USMC should really be able to relate to Muslims right about now.
11/07/2009 11:31:00 PM
You'd be hard-pressed to find a more right-wing American city than Abilene, Texas. Trust me on this one --- I grew up in Pensacola; my hickometer is finely calibrated. The years I lived in Abilene made my hometown seem like Boston or San Francisco.
So, the recent teabaggery in Abilene comes as no surprise. But I can't not point out the irony of the tea party protest's top billing: William Owens, Jr.
Owens spoke to the crown of dozens, probably even selling a book or two in the process. Oh, did I mentioned he's an African-American? Why, yes - he's a black man. Who happens to hold the position Barack Obama is not black enough.

Spelling error? Forget that - dontcha see the colored guy talking?
So, the "Big Country" tea bag aficionadi gushed all over some guy who dislikes Obama, simply because he's a black man. Never mind the fact he wants Obama to be more like Malcom X than Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What mattered here is a colored fella showed up at a republican rally.
Yeeeeeeeee haw!
So, the recent teabaggery in Abilene comes as no surprise. But I can't not point out the irony of the tea party protest's top billing: William Owens, Jr.
Owens spoke to the crown of dozens, probably even selling a book or two in the process. Oh, did I mentioned he's an African-American? Why, yes - he's a black man. Who happens to hold the position Barack Obama is not black enough.

Spelling error? Forget that - dontcha see the colored guy talking?
So, the "Big Country" tea bag aficionadi gushed all over some guy who dislikes Obama, simply because he's a black man. Never mind the fact he wants Obama to be more like Malcom X than Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What mattered here is a colored fella showed up at a republican rally.
Yeeeeeeeee haw!
11/07/2009 01:10:00 AM
He does it every time.
The king of projection, Rump Leakage, will blame the mass murder of 13 on Fort Hood, TX on some rambling theory of liberal psychology -meets- moral relativism -meets- Clinton enbabled some program to allow all evil Muslims to join the armed forces -meets- President Obama is personally responsible for all that is bad.