4/30/2006 05:07:00 AM
Gotta pack tonight. Not easy cramming six months of stuff into two bags. Laptop, of course, going with me. Let's hope it holds up.
Thanks, Rump Leakage, for the comic relief. No, not when you're trying to be funny, but when you're trying to be cool. ROFLMAO! You are a fool.
I just opined at length on my usual index page (which you'll find here), so no need to repeat it all now. Just know that you are one of life's greatest gifts: someone who, in taking himself so seriously, provides the sane world an occasional source of sheer hilarity.
And, in the fake smile department, Tom DeLay kicked your ass, dude. How's it feel to be beaten by a lush? Oh wait. . .
I've seen more convincing smiles on Easter Island.
4/22/2006 10:49:00 AM
Man, I'm beat tonight. Whatever happened to the days when processing for a deployment could be accomplished in a day? I guess, like the days when we had enough people and equipment to do our job productively and comfortably, they're long-gone.
Can't write much, or even especially cogently when I come home zapped & anxious about this upcoming "vacation" to warworld.
SO... time to rest on my laurels: check out this nifty image . . .
4/15/2006 03:46:00 PM
I might have invested in the wrong blogging platform. Well, invested time, that is. I guess you get what you pay for monetarily.
This blogspot crap is pissing me off.
First, it was the image of the VLA. With normal HTML I couldn't size the thing right, so I had to operate in the non-HTML-user window and manually resize the goddamned thing, using preview, until I got it just right. What blogspot rocket scientist decided NOT to allow simple HTML during image insertion? Instead of your basic width & height instructions, you've got to calculate the "scroll method:hand" ratio (or whatever the hell that shit was) - otherwise the image is not proportionately correct. If I had time to learn new HTML commands, and fuck with a calculator during image adding, would I be FUCKING BLOGGING?
Second, after all that work, my blog reverted back to what it was about an hour ago. No, I did not accidentally click "recover post," or anything else that should have triggered that potentially catastrophic event. Fortunately I'm in the habit of ctrl+A, ctrl+c everything before I move to the next screen, so I actually saved my post.
Seriously, if I'm finding this shit is so user-unfriendly at home, how in the hell am I supposed to maneuver through it while living in a tent?
Where's my dog? I need something more reactive than a ball to kick. As Junior said in the first episode of The Sopranos this season, GOD FUCK IT ALL.
4/15/2006 03:22:00 PM
4/08/2006 02:14:00 PM
KUDOS to Harry Taylor, of Charlotte, NC, who courageously stood up to the "president," despite a crowd of apparently pro-Bush neoconanderthals, and told George Bush he should be ashamed of himself.
Naturally, many of the right wing nutsacks online and on air responded with their rallying cry, "WATCH WHAT YOU SAY!" or "what a retarded thing to say to the president!" No need to tell you how allergic to free speech the rabid right is.
Interestingly, Taylor is yet another "anachronism," if you believe the neocon propaganda: he's a businessman.
Thanks Harry!
4/07/2006 03:09:00 PM
Rookie mistake. No doubt I'll make many more.
4/06/2006 03:10:00 AM
This clown is resigning from office.
So long, limp hammer. :)
4/02/2006 08:51:00 AM

Now I feel better.
Got this page up and running, a month or so before deploying. Now, if I can gain access to blogspot.com from "over there" I'm in shape.
I'd been worrying I'd have to put up another one of those "I'm currently 'elsewhere,' but will return by (months away)." Every time I've deployed I've done this, and each time I'd lost most of the few regular readers I'd managed to attract.
So I'll be toying with this for awhile. By the time most of you see this it'll be three to four weeks from now. By then I hope to have this blogging stuff down pat.
4/02/2006 07:23:00 AM