4/30/2006 05:07:00 AM
Gotta pack tonight. Not easy cramming six months of stuff into two bags. Laptop, of course, going with me. Let's hope it holds up.
Thanks, Rump Leakage, for the comic relief. No, not when you're trying to be funny, but when you're trying to be cool. ROFLMAO! You are a fool.
I just opined at length on my usual index page (which you'll find here), so no need to repeat it all now. Just know that you are one of life's greatest gifts: someone who, in taking himself so seriously, provides the sane world an occasional source of sheer hilarity.
And, in the fake smile department, Tom DeLay kicked your ass, dude. How's it feel to be beaten by a lush? Oh wait. . .
I've seen more convincing smiles on Easter Island.
1 Response to "Here we go..."
said :
9/19/2006 12:18:00 AM