4/23/2007 05:38:00 AM
4/23/2007 01:18:00 AM
Are you surprised?
One reason Rove is such a staunch neocon is his homophobia, a condition that typically leads its hosts into the darkest realms of hardcore right wing mania.
Last night Sheryl Crow and Laurie David got a glimpse into the severity of Rove's neurosis. Read about it here.
Obviously, the self-loathing closet case didn't expect Sheryl Crow to touch him, and without a prepared reaction he acted naturally. He was grossed out.
4/15/2007 04:25:00 AM
Either the "Free Market" always works itself out, or employers don't have the right to fire employees.
The right wing wants it both ways.
Good riddance, Mush Mouth
CBS and MSNBC dumped Don "Mush Mouth" Imus because neither network could survive airing his show without the ad revenue they'd lose if they did. It wasn't a decision based on morality, or social responsibility. It was based on economics. Simple as that.
Some think Imus has been deprived of his First Amendment rights, but he has not. Remember - civil liberties are freedoms you have that (supposedly) protect you from the government... Imus hasn't been charged with any crime. It's not the government punishing him. It's his employers. And, just as you can't expect the same privacy at your job you can expect in your home (again, supposedly), your freedom of speech at work is trumped by your employer's rights. An employer can levy her or his own rights against you, just as MSNBC and CBS did with MarbleMouth.
If your teenager works in McDonald's, and is fired for telling customers, "Burger King is a lot better than this crap," or, "hey, at least our french fry cooks aren't wetbacks," I doubt you'd get very far trying to recover damages from McDonald's for firing your kid.
This "I-Mess," as Olbermann calls it, serves as a fine example of capitalism at work; it should be embraced by the right wing as such. It was, after all, the market working itself out. Manufacturers and customers are only two components of a market; let us not forget about the employer-employee relationship -- just as much a part of any market as the manufacturer-client relationship.
But the choir of right-wing noise makers have conveniently changed their tune for the moment. Instead of shouting, "the market has again worked itself out," too many of them are singing "hypocrisy! The liberal media are having it both ways!" Imus, they remind us, was only repeating what hip-hop/rap stars say in their music. FOX News, talk radio, and the editorialists of various "news"papers have expressed this sentiment for nearly a week now.
They obviously think the majority of their audience is dumb.
Usually, the right wing wisdom machine (sic) reliably reminds us why a free market is such a grand thing: it's a self-regulating entity. No matter what bumps lie in the proverbial road, the truly free market always "works itself out." This obvious fact is a reliable fall-back for the right.
For instance, if Limbaugh was wrong for asking a black woman to take a bone out of her nose, or for suggesting a Latino runner won a marathon because an immigration official chased him the last ten miles, then, say the neoconanderthals, "the market would've taken care of itself." I.e., either he'd have been fired by an employer fully in its right to dump him, or he'd have eventually lost enough listeners to become nonviable economically. "The market didn't negatively react, his employer didn't fired him, and therefore it was OK." And, technically, they are correct.
Why? Because the free market does always work itself out. Oh, not in a way that preserves (or restores) what most would define as ethical behavior. But in a way that preserves itself.
Which is why an honest FOX News would use this episode to illustrate the virtues of the free market, and then move on.
Wait -- did I just say, "an honest FOX News"??? HA!! I need a minute...
4/08/2007 03:09:00 AM
POST-YOUTUBE CONVERSION:Obviously the YouTube conversion fucks it all up. How does one pre-empt this shit? How is it the video I created and then uploaded onto my own site sounds fine, but turns to shit when processed through the YouTube conversion? Anyone? Bueller?
4/06/2007 11:37:00 AM
Naturally, the second try didn't work either. Whatever is happening during the YouTube conversion, it totally fucks up the sound. Most places I've looked online address video quality issues and audio/video sync, but no sites discussing the major drop in audio quality i'm seeing (hearing) here.
Anyway, for my last attempt of the evening, I converted the applause into mono and removed the "ambience" sound effect. And, oh yes, Pinnacle Studio is fucking up. Again. The video disappears at 1:41 - only a black screen - and nothing I was doing seemed to fix it....
So I've had to build up the thing from scratch again.
Here goes nothing... the audio has been simplified, so it should work this time around. Unless that loss-of-sound from the YouTube conversion had nothing to do with the ditched "ambience."
Here it is - the "charm" attempt. Whatever that means.
If this doesn't work I'll have to readdress it tomorrow.

Peas out.
4/06/2007 10:14:00 AM
Rosie O'Donnell, you're embarrassing America's progressives
![]() |
We don't need a liberal Ann Coulter to bring us down. |
And so it is with a strong sense of philosophical integrity that I can say Rosie O'Donnell is, and will continue to be, a HEEEUUUGE embarrassment for the left. Unless we can throw her overboard.
Even if you agree with everything else she says, she's openly declared her belief in the 9/11 conspiracy theories only the stupidest of conspiracy theorists believe. Sorry, Rosie, but you are officially a moron.
What separates us lefties from the majority of the right is how we deal with nuts like O'Donnell. The right loves Coulter; she raises money for their mainstream political activities, speaks at legitimate GOP functions, appears regularly on their "news" programs.
Here's where we need to pay attention: the right is trying desperately to tie Rosie to the left as a whole. We need to ignore this. No matter how much you might loathe the sight of Joe Scarborough or Billow Reilly, don't go for the bait when they slam Rosie. The more we defend O'Donnell, the more the right will be able to illustrate how stupid we are.
4/05/2007 10:44:00 AM
And if that doesn't work, you can download it here.
As for the real thing,
My wife and I speak Spanish at home. It's her first language; I learned it in Panama. And we have this let's-poke-fun-at-a-certain-relative inside joke where I speak it, but with the worst possible accent ever. As "gringo" as I can sound. Yes, making fun of a family member. So what?
Anyway, you can imagine our delight when we saw this video of Newt reading Spanish from a teleprompter. Oh my fucking god, it's a classic. Barney the White House pooch speaks more Spanish than this testicularly-challenged/high-voiced neoconanderthal.
Bwah ha ha!
What a disaster. Apparently the YouTube conversion drastically altered the clip's audio. On YouTube the thing is 90% sound effects, 10% Gingrich speech.
So far very few views, and one very low review (can you blame the guy?).
A quasi-educated guess? The "Gingrich" voice (mine) speech was in mono, but the sound effects (ambience and applause) were in stereo, and this mono/stereo mix doesn't convert too well into Flash (or whatever it is YouTube used).
Working on the YouTube video right now...
Deleted original video from YouTube, resubmitted. Fingers crossed.
4/04/2007 09:28:00 AM
Sorry, righties, but the numbers don't lie.

Next time you hear a neocon mouthpiece, or Der Chimpfokker himself, decry all the pork in the Democrats' military spending bill, check out the facts for yourself.
This is the first time pork in the Defense spending bill has come in under $11 billion since Fiscal year 2002.
It's all here.
It is a rare day when the top GOP talking points are factually accurate.