4/06/2007 11:37:00 AM
Naturally, the second try didn't work either. Whatever is happening during the YouTube conversion, it totally fucks up the sound. Most places I've looked online address video quality issues and audio/video sync, but no sites discussing the major drop in audio quality i'm seeing (hearing) here.
Anyway, for my last attempt of the evening, I converted the applause into mono and removed the "ambience" sound effect. And, oh yes, Pinnacle Studio is fucking up. Again. The video disappears at 1:41 - only a black screen - and nothing I was doing seemed to fix it....
So I've had to build up the thing from scratch again.
Here goes nothing... the audio has been simplified, so it should work this time around. Unless that loss-of-sound from the YouTube conversion had nothing to do with the ditched "ambience."
Here it is - the "charm" attempt. Whatever that means.
If this doesn't work I'll have to readdress it tomorrow.

Peas out.
If President Eisenhower could deport 5 MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS with less than 1/3 the number of enforcement officers, why can't we do the same with 12 MILLION??
If the American Taxpayers were advised that "Amnesty" Guest Worker programs will cost them, the TAXPAYERS, TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN TAXES, I don't think they would be so anxious to support it.
According to the Heritage Foundation, testifying in Congress in March 2007, each of those 12MILLION will cost the American Taxpayer $89,000 in services over and above the amount they pay in Income Taxes, State Taxes, Gas Taxes, Property Taxes, Sales Taxes, etc. That makes the total for 12 MILLION illegal aliens $1,080,000,000. THAT IS TRILLIONS!!!!
Below is an excerpt from a letter received from Chris Cox, prior Representative of Orange County, Ca and now in charge of the SEC. THIS WAS 1997 !!!!!
Deputizing Local Law Enforcement Personnel. The relatively few federal immigration officers will never be able to apprehend and deport the enormous numbers of illegal aliens currently in the United States. Only when state and local law enforcement officials are authorized to enforce federal immigration laws will there be sufficient manpower to ensure compliance with our system of legal immigration. To this end, I authored Public Law 104-208, which authorizes the Attorney General to deputize local and state law enforcement personnel to assist in the identification, detention, and deportation of illegal aliens. Despite enactment of this law in 1997, this authority was never used by the Clinton administration. Now, we may expect it to be used as intended by Congress. Florida recently became the first state to seek to use this authority, and New York soon followed. (Our own state's Attorney General has unfortunately not applied under Public Law 104-208 for deputization of California law enforcement to enforce our immigration laws.)
Jeanne Morgan