8/28/2007 08:44:00 AM
When the Going Gets Tough, the Conservative Resigns.

Like this guy.

And this guy.

And these guys.
On the other hand, when the tough man is knocked down, he gets back up and faces his opponents...

"Winners never quit and quitters never win."
-Vincent Lombardi
Speaking of FOOTBALL and politics, if you're like me you often think of political cartoons, but lack the ability to draw. So keep that in mind when checking out my nifty Paintbrush.exe 'toon about the Michael Vick saga:

And last, but certainly not least...

In case you don't already know, Craig is one of those repugnant conservatives who rabidy bashes homosexuals and lobbies for the "protection" of marriage. Moreso than your typical Sean Retarditty - you know, the stuff self-loathing, totally-in-denial homosexuals do to compensate for their desperately unwanted yet totally innate "perversion." Like Matt Drudge, Michael Savage, Arthur Finkelstein, Ken Mehlman, and Rush Limbaugh.
You know, all those guys in the Homosexual Mafia.
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!

Like this guy.

And this guy.

And these guys.
On the other hand, when the tough man is knocked down, he gets back up and faces his opponents...

"Winners never quit and quitters never win."
-Vincent Lombardi
Speaking of FOOTBALL and politics, if you're like me you often think of political cartoons, but lack the ability to draw. So keep that in mind when checking out my nifty Paintbrush.exe 'toon about the Michael Vick saga:

And last, but certainly not least...

In case you don't already know, Craig is one of those repugnant conservatives who rabidy bashes homosexuals and lobbies for the "protection" of marriage. Moreso than your typical Sean Retarditty - you know, the stuff self-loathing, totally-in-denial homosexuals do to compensate for their desperately unwanted yet totally innate "perversion." Like Matt Drudge, Michael Savage, Arthur Finkelstein, Ken Mehlman, and Rush Limbaugh.
You know, all those guys in the Homosexual Mafia.
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!
8/22/2007 11:46:00 AM

Is it really a well-known fact that conservative water carrier Matt Drudge is a closet homosexual?
That is to say, is Matt Drudge a self-loathing gay man?

Isn't it cool how asking a question instead of making an assertion - like, say, asking if it's true Matt Drudge uses warming gel when he rides his favorite dildo - is a cowardly way to smear someone without actually libeling them?
Which brings me to my main question: is Matt Drudge a self-loathing, closeted homosexual?
If Drudge is not a homosexual, why does the word "gay" typically appear a dozen or more times in every article written about him? That's not even true of Tom Cruise, is it?
Do all self-hating homosexuals despise liberals, or are people like Matt Drudge, David Dreier, Ken Mehlman, Mark Foley and Ann Coulter the exception?