8/22/2007 11:46:00 AM

Is it really a well-known fact that conservative water carrier Matt Drudge is a closet homosexual?
That is to say, is Matt Drudge a self-loathing gay man?

Isn't it cool how asking a question instead of making an assertion - like, say, asking if it's true Matt Drudge uses warming gel when he rides his favorite dildo - is a cowardly way to smear someone without actually libeling them?
Which brings me to my main question: is Matt Drudge a self-loathing, closeted homosexual?
If Drudge is not a homosexual, why does the word "gay" typically appear a dozen or more times in every article written about him? That's not even true of Tom Cruise, is it?
Do all self-hating homosexuals despise liberals, or are people like Matt Drudge, David Dreier, Ken Mehlman, Mark Foley and Ann Coulter the exception?