12/30/2007 02:22:00 PM
Who in the hell is Rod Seiger?

Don't know the date from the repeat O'Reilly show I stumbled across, but in it he's condescendingly hosting a "Culture Quiz" with contestants Steve Doofus and some blonde woman.
Anyway, as Orally asks the question, you see a scene from the 1950s movie "On the Waterfront" with Rod Steiger and Marlon Brando. After Doocey and the blonde lady correctly answer the question (about Brando), Billow interjects his own, supplemental trivia question: Who was the other actor we just saw . . . next to Marlon Brando?
Doocey guesses "Karl Malden" (yes, Doocey is fucktard), and the woman hazards no guess. The answer, as I indicated above, is Rod Steiger.
But here comes the punch line: obviously this wasn't a programmed question, as I gleefully witnessed during O'Reilly's proud pronouncement to his stumped guests:
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

According to this retard, an actor
Don't know the date from the repeat O'Reilly show I stumbled across, but in it he's condescendingly hosting a "Culture Quiz" with contestants Steve Doofus and some blonde woman.
Anyway, as Orally asks the question, you see a scene from the 1950s movie "On the Waterfront" with Rod Steiger and Marlon Brando. After Doocey and the blonde lady correctly answer the question (about Brando), Billow interjects his own, supplemental trivia question: Who was the other actor we just saw . . . next to Marlon Brando?
Doocey guesses "Karl Malden" (yes, Doocey is fucktard), and the woman hazards no guess. The answer, as I indicated above, is Rod Steiger.
But here comes the punch line: obviously this wasn't a programmed question, as I gleefully witnessed during O'Reilly's proud pronouncement to his stumped guests:
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
8 Responses
to "Billow not crossing his T's again
Maybe his vibrator was still on
Please learn how satire works (you are supposed to mimic them to show how insincere they are, not attack them and make them into the victim). Calling Bill O'Reilly a retard is not satire. It is to spew hatred, pure and simple.
Right now all you are doing is showing that you act no more intelligently than they do. How this serves to illuminate the damage that is Fox, I do not know.
But at least you do help discredit the Huffington Post (who are dumb enough to run a banner ad here), and that is worth something I guess.
Part of me wonders if you aren't secretly doing damage control for Fox. But, as usual, it is probably just the typical apathy of inadvertent support known as "fighting the good fight" by participating in these divide and conquer strategies. All in order to make the world a better place, of course.
Fox News. We distort, you divide.
Question is, why do you choose to participate in this war of hare filled words? Can't you be anti-Fox without being pro-warfare?
just check your grammar first next time buddy, other than that great work.
Some responses to the O'Reilly fans I obviously pissed off here:
To (8?»
[1] "Please learn how satire works . . ."
Try researching my site's history, or even glance to the left a bit. See that "This site's previous formats" thing to your left? There ya go!
[2] "Huffington Post (who are dumb enough to run a banner ad here)..."
I choose to run the banners seen here - no one asks/pays me to run particular banners. Most people can figure that out for themselves. You, obviously, are a tad slower than most people.
[3] "Can't you be anti-Fox without being pro-warfare?"
Again, a moment of research would have prevented you from looking so ignorant. Check my profile. Warfare is my business, and I've done it for everyone from Reagan to Clinton to Monkey Boy.
To comic book guy:
[1] "worst blog ever"
Really? Ever? Good to know I continue to excel at something.
To ronpaul08:
[1] "you should probably make sure you have no mistakes in your blog before you make fun of someone elses."
Like yours, my mistake was one keystroke off ("elses" is missing an apostrophe).
To anonymous:
[1] "you watched a REPEAT of a show that you DESPISE and HATE, only to point out a mistake involving one consonant. Get a life"
Boy, if the guy who DESPISES and HATES the show he's criticizing lacks a life, just imagine the poor sap who first reads and then comments on this blog.
(If he's a typical FOX viewer, the irony probably eludes him.)
For the rest of my readers (all five of you), I'll be home in a few days. Take care.
But Fox News refusal to allow Ron Paul to speak demonstrates they are not a News Agency – But a tabloid that seeks only to support biased agenda
This makes Fox a Tabloid - Not a news agency!