9/13/2008 11:58:00 AM

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Wasilla, Alaska resident named Johnston is a Registered Sex Offender.

Is Levi Johnston's cousin a sex offender?

Any resemblance?

I've never lived in a really small American town, and so I don't know how common common (sic) surnames like "Johnston" are in these inbred sorts of communities.

But I do know there's a 22 year old registered sex offender from Wasilla, Alaska named Johnston. His full name is Ryan Edward Johnston, and it looks like he could easily be related to Levi "fuckin' redneck" Johnston. You know, that charming sperm donor who knocked up "Non Blinking" Sarah Palin's righteous Christian daughter.

You can check out the Alaskan Sex Offender Registry here.

Of course, if it turns out there is a relationship between this sex offender and Levi Johnston, it won't matter to the Ann Coulters of the world. They've rationalized Bristol's belly bomb away; they'd do the same with this news.

Man oh man, the crap I've been hearing about Bristol Palin for two weeks now (keep in mind, I work with right wing nutjobs). "Well, everyone knows a family who's had to deal with the dilemma of an over-eager teenage daughter!" they chime. "It's real common these days - certainly something most families are dealing with..."

Makes Rump Leakage 's logical leaps seem mild.

Seriously, I hate to beat a dead horse, but if the presence of a pregnant, unwed child in the family can be so easily rationalized, so could a good ol' sex offender.

"Well, everyone knows a sex offender. It's real common these days - certainly something most families are dealing with. It just shows she's one of us..."

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