10/08/2008 11:57:00 AM
Get Ready for the 60s

Obama's debate victory will move his lead in erstwhile battleground states into the high fifties, and even -- possibly -- into the sixties.
This debate was not a "game changer" at all. In fact, Obama won hands down.
Not to mention McCain was creepy, jittery, and condescendingly referred to Obama as "that one."
And what was the "gold capped Cadillac" thing. Did he mean to say "gold toothed-Cadillac jockey"?
Bottom Line: get ready for the 60s.
In at least one battleground state, Obama's lead will hit very close to 60. This week.
I'm loving this. Every single minute of it.
1 Response to " "
said :
10/08/2008 02:47:00 PM