11/22/2008 08:38:00 AM
Driving home from work today, scrolling through the (mostly conservative) poli-talk available from the satellite feed, and FOX News tells me a nasty bit of malware called Agent BTZ is currently infecting DoD computer systems. Not your typical spyware, this thing got past the firewall, and it seems the experts are baffled at it.
I knew the story's details already, but here's the thing: when I heard this, I nearly ran off the road - because IT'S CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. That is, it was classified information.
Until FOX News reported it.
Afer unwinding this afternoon, I ran an internet news search. Not surprisingly, dozens of news outlets have reported the gory details of Agent.BTZ for all the world to read.
Thanks Fucks news. Why do you guys hate America?
8 Responses
to "From the I bet you didn't know I work for the Pentagon department

- LOL, and Alan Colmes is the first to go. Next thing you know, Geraldo will move over to MSNBC. I love it!
"...a violation of the neither confirm nor deny policy?"
NCND policy applies to Nuclear secrets, idiot.
Although I hate Fox News, I am an information assurance major first. Get your shit straight before you spout about Fox hating America.
And, unless the O6 who briefed me (75 days ago) was lying, it was classified.
Now, get back to work junior.