11/10/2008 02:20:00 AM
-Have Fun in IrrelevanceLand-
Limbaugh, Hannity, McLaughlin and SNL: Rendered irrelevant by election.

Everyone’s talking about Karl Rove and Mitch McConnell being pushed into obscurity; being the “biggest losers” of this obvious pro-Obama mandate. But there are others facing irrelevance. And someone has to break the news to them. So here goes:
Dear Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al,
Haven’t you realized you are the primary reason your party is now a regional party at best?
Blame Palin all you want; the facts state otherwise. When your two least favorite candidates became the GOP’s two final candidates for Republican nominee (Limbaugh et al hate John McCain and Mike Huckabee), did you actually fail to recognize most Republicans disagree with your viewpoints?
Dear The McLaughlin Group,
Your pre-taped discussions are a toaster-oven in today’s microwave world.
During the final weeks of the Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama contest, you were so out of sync with the streaming news cycle it was pitiful. This morning – just a few minutes ago – your synopsis of Obama’s victory was off my 1.5 million votes (McLaughlin actually posted the words "64 million"; those of us with a pulse know that figure passed 65 million over 24 hours ago, and will probably pass 66 million before it's all over), and fifteen electoral votes. Did you record your program so long ago NORTH CAROLINA WAS NOT YET KNOWN? Holy LAZINESS, Batman!
But your pundits are dinosaurs as well, and obviously equally unfit for the changing times. I got more accurate predictions from websites and up-to-date commercial cable networks – even FOX News -- than I did from your early 20th century personalities.
The weekend before the election your liberal “experts” predicted the election would be “close,” and that bimbo Monica Crowley actually predicted McCain would win by half a percentage point!
Dear Saturday Night Live,
You can thank one person for your recent surge in viewership: Tina Fey. But the election’s over, Fey’s back at her regular job, and we’re all rightfully expecting you to again become the unfunny, irrelevant crap you've been for several years now.
You know, Mad TV without all the editing.