Mancow. Hannity. One's a man. The other's a coward.
3 Responses
to "Mancow = MAN Hannity = Not so much"
said :
6/12/2009 08:09:00 PM
SEAN HENNITY didnt waterboard because he has a SHOW TO DO YOU MORANIC LIBERALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Olberman has time to waterboard all day long if only for the reason becase he's hardly worth the air time anyway
Traditional iconoclast. Eternally creative, master of mediocrity. Marginally exceptional. Concisely loquacious; pretentiously unassuming. Baby-Boomer with a Greatest Generation physique and a Generation Y libido.
A man of very, very few words. King of all trades; Jack of none. Honorably disingenuous, down-to-earth bullshit artist. Sinister exaggerator with a modest bravado. Progressive libertarian with a steeled sensitivity. Bleeding heart military veteran. All-original, trite & contrived, honestly duplicitous bastion of mundane originality.
Decidedly anti-Republican military/DoD professional since 1986.
And don't forget humble. I'm all about the world-class humility up here.