9/14/2009 10:42:00 PM
Those CDs Mom sends you of the latest family pics -- where 649.8 MB of the original 650 remain untouched? She might've sent you the damned things through email, but that would require attaching stuff to her message. And a >28Kbps modem.
After all, it's the thought that counts.
Looks like the great gas bag himself, Rump Leakage, has created a similarly obscene waste of resources. Kinda like his show.

After all, it's the thought that counts.
Looks like the great gas bag himself, Rump Leakage, has created a similarly obscene waste of resources. Kinda like his show.

Imagine the lonely Gigabytes of unused space on those DVDs. Seriously, how much could this jackoff come up with... eight minutes?
Look at the picture in this promo. The "best or rush" here is him reading from his own fucking book. You could tape a picture of the lardass on your wall, pop in a books-on-tape of "See, I Told You So" (or is it, "Nanny boo boo, I'm right and you eat boogers"?), and save the S&H.
For the minimum 30 minute fill that'd leave 22 minutes for commercials. Mmmmm... capitalism at work. Probably pushing more Pigboy pap.
Shit, did I really just say probably?
Underplayed, that one. A "little excellence," indeed.