10/24/2009 07:18:00 PM
We're getting closer to capturing bin Laden than Bush-monkey ever did. This America-backed blitz along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border is something that should have happened long ago.
This has happened less than an hour south of Chitral, by most reliable accounts (for what that's worth) the town where Osama bin Laden currently resides.
So, imagine if, by December, we capture OBL! Would that not be the best Xmas present ever? And, the proverbial cherry on top? Watching all the exploding heads at FOX News!

10/17/2009 10:16:00 PM
He's doing it again! Poppy Bush is decrying a bit of popular American TV culture just as it's on the rise. Quite unsolicitedly, he recently called Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow "sick puppies," blaming them for creating the sort of shit-smearing polemics he, himself, created over 20 years ago (with the help of one, rotund Roger Ailes).
But don't get me wrong. Do not fret o three that read here (two? one?). Bush's criticism of a thing is good for that there thing. The verbal missiles he launched at Matt Groening's The Simpsons in the early 90s helped boost that show enormously (especially once Groening brilliantly embraced the criticism, as you'll see below).
Now, all we need is for Mrs. (sic) Bush to do what she (sic) did in 1990. Remember? To her (sic)hubby's critique, she (sic) added, "The Simpsons are absolutely the dumbest thing I've ever seen" (obviously old ironsides had forgotten about the oldest Bush baby).
So... it's very simple. Keep your fingers crossed: if Barbed Wire Bush publicly criticizes Olbermann and Maddow... FOX News can kiss its "we're number one!" mantra good-bye.
10/14/2009 08:39:00 PM

Contrary to how most NFL members apparently feel about the matter, I'd like to see Rush Limbaugh as owner of the Cleveland Los Angeles St. Louis Rams. My brilliant cartoon notwithstanding, denying Limbaugh the chance to (partially) own an NFL franchise is denying the rest of us another chance at watching him fail.
Seriously, think about it: aside from rabble-rousing narrow minds like his own, the man is incompetent.
Failed as a 'normal' (not political) radio D.J.
Failed on late-night television.
Failed on ESPN.
Failed as a husband. Thrice (so far).
Failed to resist drug addiction.
Failed to get either of his 'pet' publicans nominated in 2008.
In fact, he's slooooowly failing the conservative movement. It's like he and the GOP are having the world's longest fuck, only he has AIDS, and the publicans ripped off the condom long ago.
(nice, huh?)
Since becoming the mouthpiece for the GOP, Pigboy's political peers have voted into office a disaster of such magnitude that he nearly became the first wartime president to lose his bid for reelection. In 2004 Bush scored the narrowest reelection victory ever by a U.S. president, and his successor lost to a black man with a Muslim name.
(and if you blame 2008 on Bush's incompetence, remember he'd never have gotten there in the first place were it not for Limbaugh's giant microphone)
The 'publicans don't seem to recognize the megalomaniac's deleterious effect on the GOP. Maybe the NFL will be equally obtuse. If so, we can enjoy watching the asshole fail again.
Hey, I'm a Saints fan. The Rams aren't going to be in last place forever.
10/10/2009 11:48:00 PM
(And they just blocked citizens'/residents' ability to FTP to Yahoo?)
But this man has more balls than the rest of the (D) legislative branch, combined. If Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid acted one fifth as gutsy as this man, the GoP would be out of business.
Cheers to crooksandliars and moxnews for making this reachable in this corner of the world.
I've had this video on loop for half an hour now.
10/09/2009 10:07:00 PM
FOX News? Yet another stinkin' Democrat has won the Nobel Peace Prize.
You know, the prize republicans love to pretend they've been nominated to win. Except when they're pretending to detest it so mightily.
Case in point: Mark "the slight one" Levin, who regularly lends hannity a third brain cell, "nominated" Rump Leakage for the Nobel Peace Prize via some outfit called Landmark or some such insipid milquetoast crap.
Levin half-assed a memo with the Landmark nom attached, and submitted to . . . who knows? The deed was done - Limbaugh had been nominated by another human for the Peace Prize. Freepers, dittoheads, and other short-bus regulars were ecstatic.
Unfortunately for the rarely informed right, the act of one person associating "I herewith nominate Rush Limbaugh for the Nobel Peace Prize..." with a nifty-sounding organizational's namesake no more constitutes an de jure NPP nomination than writing the same memo on a roll of toilet paper.
..!..10/06/2009 10:19:00 PM
And, the best part... someone at youtube has a warped sense of humor ----- the site's "random" code generator named this movie 9pK2IH96GaY
OK, seriously -- who's to say Graham doesn't really dislike this Beck fellow? He certainly is plenty dolled up for this Sunday's appearance. Maybe old Lindsey thought he'd run into the mind-squirter on the set.
10/05/2009 08:00:00 PM
Normally I'd hesitate to believe this nonsense would be allowed on a news network. But if FOX News is fine with Bill O'Reilly continuing his job on FNC after paying Andrea Mackris $10 million for sexually harrassing her (e.g., he used a vibrator on himself during a taped phone conversation with her), then anything's possible. No?
As I shouted before, someone should really look into this thing.
10/04/2009 11:14:00 AM
Well, except for Glenn Beck, who creamed the studio floors with his mind-cum.

10/03/2009 07:07:00 PM
Obviously the sexual scandal Letterman brought up on his show Thursday is a disappointment for fans. But, are political observers who've had to defend ---
- David Ensign
- Larry Craig (very gay, but blasts homosexuality from a decidedly wide soapbox)
- David Vitter
- Mark Foley (very gay, but formerly blasted homosexuality from his soapbox)
- Vito Sofella
- Dr. Laura Schleshinger (whose nude photos can be found on BartCop.com)
- Rush Limbaugh (who smuggled illegally obtained Viagra to an all-boys camp in the Dominican Republic!)
- Strom Thurmond (KKK member who sired an illegitimate black child)
- John Bolton (who coerced his missus into joining a wife-swapping club in NYC)
- Ted Haggard (quite the gay, though he used to blast homosexuality from a robust soapbox)
- Rudy Giuliani (noted philanderer)
- Newt Gingrich (same as Giuliani, but -- reports indicate -- with a really tiny penis)
- Bob Packwood (and yes, that's his real name)
- Dick Armey (and yes, that's his real name)
- J.C. Watts
- (and many more)
--- in any position to judge Letterman?
Dave's affairs were consensual. They preceded his marriage. And they resulted in no legal actions against Dave by the ladies he slept with.
Just remember, when the right tries to say anything about sexual morality, HUGE GRAIN OF SALT.
Oh, and because I'm so predictable, here's a Top Ten list about the whole mess:
10/02/2009 02:39:00 PM
Their rationale was something about Paul being one of those "zany" libertarians, not liking war or some such sissified stuff. Bottom line, so they declared (I promise it's true!) -- "RedState shall only pimp Republicans."
In fact, sore-pussy.org informed us, Ron Paul was only a "republican" because he was seeking the GOP's nomination. Obviously he wasn't really a republican. He was (and remains, they claim) a RINO.
Red-Pussy, crystal clear in its decree, reminded the world their namesake, the red states, are GOP states. Grand Old Party states. Re-mufuckin-PUBlican states, goddammit! NOT 'zany libertarian' states.
AND so here we are, two years down the road: Red-Pussy's biggest hero?
Why it's the squirter himself. Mr. Glenn Beck. A veritable Obi wan Kenobi, according to the cowardly RS.org staff.
Which brings us to the punchline: Beck has always declared himself to be a libertarian (we'll look past his delusions for the moment, since no one at Faux News is a principled libertarian). Oh... not exactly the sissified, anti-war, pro-Constitution libertarian Ron Paul might be. Beck is, you know, one of those manly, selectively-constitutional, Big Pentagon Libertarians.
Seriously though, we can all see the writing on the wall, right? Republicans are embarrassed to admit they are Republicans. Most have resorted to claiming they're "libertarians" -- when, in fact, for the most part they're anything but staunch neocons.
Yep! Another label we progressives have successfully made taboo. We should give ourselves credit here: neocon is a stinky, yucky word.
Like liberal was in the 90s.
10/01/2009 08:52:00 PM

Just as soon as god digs his finger out of Beck's sweet spot --- and the beck head therefore stops soaking the studio floors with his voluminous mind-cum --- maybe he'll bring it up on his show.
Meanwhile, a Mr. Rump Leakage of Girarduh, Missouri, is said to be seeeeeeeeeething with envy.