10/14/2009 08:39:00 PM

Contrary to how most NFL members apparently feel about the matter, I'd like to see Rush Limbaugh as owner of the Cleveland Los Angeles St. Louis Rams. My brilliant cartoon notwithstanding, denying Limbaugh the chance to (partially) own an NFL franchise is denying the rest of us another chance at watching him fail.
Seriously, think about it: aside from rabble-rousing narrow minds like his own, the man is incompetent.
Failed as a 'normal' (not political) radio D.J.
Failed on late-night television.
Failed on ESPN.
Failed as a husband. Thrice (so far).
Failed to resist drug addiction.
Failed to get either of his 'pet' publicans nominated in 2008.
In fact, he's slooooowly failing the conservative movement. It's like he and the GOP are having the world's longest fuck, only he has AIDS, and the publicans ripped off the condom long ago.
(nice, huh?)
Since becoming the mouthpiece for the GOP, Pigboy's political peers have voted into office a disaster of such magnitude that he nearly became the first wartime president to lose his bid for reelection. In 2004 Bush scored the narrowest reelection victory ever by a U.S. president, and his successor lost to a black man with a Muslim name.
(and if you blame 2008 on Bush's incompetence, remember he'd never have gotten there in the first place were it not for Limbaugh's giant microphone)
The 'publicans don't seem to recognize the megalomaniac's deleterious effect on the GOP. Maybe the NFL will be equally obtuse. If so, we can enjoy watching the asshole fail again.
Hey, I'm a Saints fan. The Rams aren't going to be in last place forever.