9/30/2009 07:31:00 AM

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Fathead deciphers the obelisk

and lies about his mom's death

What kind of guy lies about his mother's death?

A giant, demigod-like entity.

With a fat head.

That's what kind of guy.

'My mindal powers shall fell this giant peepee'

More photo goodness from the February 30 rally in D.C.


9/29/2009 07:02:00 PM

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Oh, just stop it.

Hey, policito.com, stop pretending you're separate from the GOP.

Are you guys seriously referring to the GOP in the third person??

Stop. Just stop. You're killing me...

9/27/2009 11:53:00 AM

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Back to Square One

How long can we play keep away this time?

Pssst... don't tell Sean Insanity, but the Clinton-era WMD inspections in Iraq were working before 2003, when retard-boy sent us on a wild goose chase.

Reasonable folk must keep the explody-red thing away from the bozos.

For what it's worth now, the WMD inspections Hans Blix oversaw in Iraq were effective. The GoP won't admit this, but I know it to be true.

Fast forward a decade or so, and here we are facing another megalomaniacal leader of an Arabic nation. A man whose WMD program is 'big news' these days.


The problem is we can only keep the ball out of the irresponsible child(the GoP)' s control for so long.

I've got no solutions at this time. Except, you know, KEEP THE GOP OUT OF POWER.

We don't want the GOP-as-majority's next stamp on society to come in the form of a mushroom cloud.


9/24/2009 08:36:00 AM

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Gaddafi pitches a tent

Teabaggers don't get it

Inigo Montoya remembers his late father

Please, FOX, run an expose' on Acorn called Get These Nuts.

No? How about a food stamp fraud sting called Choking the Chicken . . ?

Would you consider Cutting the Cheese, maybe?


9/21/2009 07:14:00 PM

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Oceans reveal their liberal bias

Even the rednecks in Pensacola are facing the fact of climate change. Even. the. rednecks. in. Pensa.cola.

See? Its waves are coming from the left.

As Mirna and I flew back from Europe last year, I videotaped Greenland from 40,000 feet, and noticed the island seemed . . . green. I've seen Greenland a number of times, and it's never looked quite so - ah, let's just say, melty. Some day I'll dig up that recording and post it here.



9/20/2009 11:48:00 PM

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The 'Joe Wilson Planned It' conspiracy: a teachable moment in Occam's Razoreze

Usually it's fun to watch the idiocy of the right manifest itself as loopy conspiracy theories.

Not so fun is watching the less thoughtful sorts on the left act equally foolish.

Some are claiming photographic evidence indicates Wilson planned this outburst, and informed others of it beforehand.

Of course, facts about Wilson that make him look even stupider than he already looks is premium stuff by me. But it's got to be actual facts.

Take a look at the photo:

'Stop staring at my small hands!'Based on the fact it's a sharply focused snapshot -- meaning the photographer had to have been in on the "planned event" -- and the fact those around him aren't reacting to his outburst -- meaning they'd also have to have been in on it, some are saying Wilson not only planned to yell at the uppity boy, but had the balls to let everyone know about his plans beforehand (everyone except the President and his administration, that is).

Does this really seem logical? Is it not possible there's a simpler explanation?

Of course it's not logical. Of course there's a simpler explanation:

As you'll notice, Wilson shouted "YOU LIE!" twice. The first time, heard in this video at 11 seconds (between President Obama's repeated "the reforms...") was not noticed by most, but was noticed by Pelosi; she turns to Joe Biden and seems to say something like, "who was that?" or "that Joe Wilson is an asshole."

The second time he shouts is the one everyone heard, at roughly 15 seconds into the clip.

In fact, a replay of the entire thing seems to reveal someone was doing a lot of shouting during the speech. My bet Wilson was that someone.

Obviously the people around Joe Wilson (R - redneck) were so numb to his bellyaching by that point they chose to do what most people would do in that situation -- pretend to ignore him (most with really bad poker faces). Sorta what you do when a crazy street person is talking to himself.

And some photographer, after hearing the first outburt, was quick on his/her feet; the second "YOU LIE" was practically a gimme at that point.

So, the idiot right wing nutbag probably planned nothing of the sort. I think there was no conspiracy after all.

Anyone genuinely convinced this was a planned event is either (a) not intellectually curious enough to have re-examined the video, or (b) curious enough to have re-examined the video, but too stupid to then recognize the simpler explanation.


9/19/2009 03:40:00 PM

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Nerd Fight!

Google wipes a booger on Apple's name tag.

Not exactly sure what this story is all about.

I mean, I get the general idea.

But once I get past the second paragraph, I'm all "I like money."

Just keep the cool gadgets coming, fellas.

9/18/2009 11:36:00 PM

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God Fingers Beck's Deep Spot

Time Magazine has made it official: Glenn Beck is FOX News' number one weeper.

Or is it squirter?

In either case, let's give the marshmallow a big hand for the depth of his self-awareness.

How many men, really, have probed their cranial love canal so very thoroughly as Beck?


9/18/2009 10:33:00 PM

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Dad doesn't punish reckless daughter

What a weak-kneed liberal this man must be!

No child should be allowed to get away with such a crime.

What is the nation coming to?

9/17/2009 08:37:00 PM

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FOX knows its audience

The tragic death of a minor league wrestler wouldn't normally be a national headline, would it?

9/16/2009 07:20:00 PM

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Briefly Briefs

"Carter says Obama row is 'racist'" - BBC, 16 Sep 09

... of course it is. To paraphrase the drug-addled gasbag
himself, the GOP's opposition to President Obama is "TOTALLY ABOUT RACE!"

Did we not all see South Carolina's Joe Wilson, histrionically teething last week in Congress? (Too bad, instead of wailing "you lie," he didn't do one of those mmmBULLSHIT sneezes).

But let's get real, right? When one of ten (R)s who proudly belong to some such, decidedly anti-black Sons of 19th Century Losers organization (having no [D]s aboard), wags his inadequate, pale index finger at the country's first African-American president, it's kinda obvious. No?

"Is Your Baby Racist? " - Newsweek, 14 Sep 09

... is this article telling me we can ID conservatives before they're born? Alas, no. In fact, it's a gimmicky way of telling us a study at the university of Texas concluded babies can tell which other babies resemble them, and which do not.

Ten bucks says Michael Weiner-Savage will be the first to scream "EUGENICS! The left is after our babies!"

Should've bet me; Limbaugh has already whined about this story, and some bozo on PrisonPlanet, in his temper tantrum, identifies Austin, TX as "the Berkley of the Southwest." Isn't Berkley already the Berkley of the Southwest?

...and, finally...

"Black People Behaving Badly" - any Drudge Report, above the electronic fold

Way to nail it, Fudge. Someone's gotta prevent these coloreds from ruinin' our country!


9/14/2009 10:42:00 PM

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Most unused space since Palin's World Book debacle of '91

Those CDs Mom sends you of the latest family pics -- where 649.8 MB of the original 650 remain untouched? She might've sent you the damned things through email, but that would require attaching stuff to her message. And a >28Kbps modem.

After all, it's the thought that counts.

Looks like the great gas bag himself, Rump Leakage, has created a similarly obscene waste of resources. Kinda like his show.

Imagine the lonely Gigabytes of unused space on those DVDs. Seriously, how much could this jackoff come up with... eight minutes?

Look at the picture in this promo. The "best or rush" here is him reading from his own fucking book. You could tape a picture of the lardass on your wall, pop in a books-on-tape of "See, I Told You So" (or is it, "Nanny boo boo, I'm right and you eat boogers"?), and save the S&H.

For the minimum 30 minute fill that'd leave 22 minutes for commercials. Mmmmm... capitalism at work. Probably pushing more Pigboy pap.

Shit, did I really just say probably?

Underplayed, that one. A "little excellence," indeed.
