9/16/2006 09:27:00 PM

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"Word Verification"?

Am I just a grumpy old man, or does everything about the internet suck?

At this very moment my estimation of blogspot.com as a massive pedazo de mierda is fast solidifying.

Apparently, on blogspot.com, if you neglect your account for awhile, your blog immediately becomes a suspected spam blog, and you get a nifty "Word Verification" feature added for good measure. Can't post without first deciphering one (sometimes two) of those successions of nonsensical letters in warped font.

Pain in my dick.

So, the next time I mosey off to war, I'll be sure to make frequent stops at internet cafes -- after all, the desert is full of them -- and post more often. Gimme a fucking break.

All the more reason to look forward to getting home.


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