9/28/2008 02:51:00 AM
Three clear reasons why Obama won last night's presidential debate:
1: McCain Scared to Face Obama.
No psych degree required here - McCain is either afraid of what he'll say if he looks at Obama (think 'watch it, you uppity colored boy'), or just flat-out afraid of Obama himself.
Only today are pundits really talking about this - maybe I should be on TV.  As I watched it live, McSame's inability to face Obama was his most obvious mistake, in my view.
(Incidentally, some right wingers are spinning McCain's behavior as "measured indifference" -- not a particularly insightful spin, considering McCain's camp is trying like to hell to paint Obama as an elitist.  Whatever indifference McCain may have conveyed was anything but 'measured.')
2: Obama Comfortable; McCain? Not So Much
Again, no advanced degree in studying human behavior required.  Grampy McSame was clearly antsy; Obama was visibly relaxed.  McCain's attempts at humor seemed strained, whereas Obama's reactions to ridiculous claims by McCain -- like when he compared Obama to Bush (which is still funny today) -- were genuine, but reserved chuckles.  Obama was apparently having a good time.
3: Obama Versed on Foreign Policy
Once the financial angle on the USA's global standing ended, the conversation shifted to more conventional foreign policy matters.  This was supposed to be McCain's strength.
Instead, Obama played him to a stalemate in a game of differing foreign policy approaches.
Today, many on both sides are grumbling their candidates weren't aggressive enough.  McCain, though obviously grumpy, did not "go for the jugular" (as neocons would've liked); Obama was too conciliatory, allowing McCain to "get away" with plenty of exaggerations, mischaracterizations, and even saying McCain was "right" about at least five points.
But political fans who complain about their candidates' diluted attitudes are either freshmen, or not very astute.  Holding candidates back the first go-around is what successful campaigns do.  Both camps "held back" last night... purposely so.
Holding back is the filter through which both campaigns are gauging poll reactions.  If the numbers show McCain's moments of "mean guy" reactions worked, then he'll be much meaner next time around.  Likewise, if polls show Obama's coolness was counterproductive, he'll be more aggressive the next time around.  This is all part of how experienced campaigns work.
The advantage in holding back for the first debate is Obama's.  He's a level-headed guy by nature.  McCain - not even close.  He's a hot head.  We all know that.
It's exactly why he looked so uncomfortable last night.  And it's why he lost to Obama.
Three clear reasons why Obama won last night's presidential debate:

1: McCain Scared to Face Obama.
No psych degree required here - McCain is either afraid of what he'll say if he looks at Obama (think 'watch it, you uppity colored boy'), or just flat-out afraid of Obama himself.
Only today are pundits really talking about this - maybe I should be on TV.  As I watched it live, McSame's inability to face Obama was his most obvious mistake, in my view.
(Incidentally, some right wingers are spinning McCain's behavior as "measured indifference" -- not a particularly insightful spin, considering McCain's camp is trying like to hell to paint Obama as an elitist.  Whatever indifference McCain may have conveyed was anything but 'measured.')

2: Obama Comfortable; McCain? Not So Much
Again, no advanced degree in studying human behavior required.  Grampy McSame was clearly antsy; Obama was visibly relaxed.  McCain's attempts at humor seemed strained, whereas Obama's reactions to ridiculous claims by McCain -- like when he compared Obama to Bush (which is still funny today) -- were genuine, but reserved chuckles.  Obama was apparently having a good time.

3: Obama Versed on Foreign Policy
Once the financial angle on the USA's global standing ended, the conversation shifted to more conventional foreign policy matters.  This was supposed to be McCain's strength.
Instead, Obama played him to a stalemate in a game of differing foreign policy approaches.
Today, many on both sides are grumbling their candidates weren't aggressive enough.  McCain, though obviously grumpy, did not "go for the jugular" (as neocons would've liked); Obama was too conciliatory, allowing McCain to "get away" with plenty of exaggerations, mischaracterizations, and even saying McCain was "right" about at least five points.
But political fans who complain about their candidates' diluted attitudes are either freshmen, or not very astute.  Holding candidates back the first go-around is what successful campaigns do.  Both camps "held back" last night... purposely so.
Holding back is the filter through which both campaigns are gauging poll reactions.  If the numbers show McCain's moments of "mean guy" reactions worked, then he'll be much meaner next time around.  Likewise, if polls show Obama's coolness was counterproductive, he'll be more aggressive the next time around.  This is all part of how experienced campaigns work.
The advantage in holding back for the first debate is Obama's.  He's a level-headed guy by nature.  McCain - not even close.  He's a hot head.  We all know that.
It's exactly why he looked so uncomfortable last night.  And it's why he lost to Obama.