10/03/2008 07:38:00 AM

Palin acts exactly as the press says she acts.
And the GOP knows it.
The GOP has raised expectations for tonight's VP debate, touting Palin's pit bull personality. According to politico.com, the Alaskan witch-free governor is poised to "go after" Joe Biden tonight. Something about his gaffes, foreign policy decisions, and 2007 campaign against other Democratic candidates.
Is this a ploy to frighten Biden? Of course not. It is a ploy, yes. But not one directed at Joe Biden.
It's directed at Palin herself.
Palin is so moldable, so coachable, and so devoid of genuine self-deprecation, that she can only "kick ass" tonight if she's been properly brainwashed into thinking she'll "kick ass" tonight.
GOP strategists are capitalizing on the realization Palin mirrors the expectations she's subjected to. Her increasingly poor performances in (non-Shemp Hannity) interviews illustrate this perfectly:
- She was expected by many to perform poorly with Charlie Gibson
- She did perform poorly
- All over the news: Palin performed poorly
- Polls react - Grampy McSame/Caribou Barbie popularity plummet
- Palin sees the news; sees the polls, and so...
- The next time around, with Couric, she does even worse
And so the GOP realized Palin does what the press says she does. Problem? Not if they can use the press to take advantage of this fact.
Now you know why, after spending the past few days pouring confidence into the shallowest of pools, GOP strategists have "leaked" the story that their candidate is poised to thrash Joe Biden tonight.
By "warning" the press of Palin's imminent attacks on Biden, they're molding/coaching Palin into the pit bull they hope to see tonight.
Incredibly, this proves Palin is weaker -- intellectually -- than Bush. She's no good at the lowered expectations game; the GOP's only move is to play her up beforehand. Risky business. Even W was able to famously exploit the phenomenon of lowered expectations in 2000.
But Palin's so concerned about her image the GOP has nothing else to do than brainwash her, then tell the press she's in top form, and hold their breath for 90 minutes.
Yet another "Hail Mary" pass by the McCain campaign.