10/26/2008 12:16:00 PM
10/24/2008 10:59:00 AM

Pensacola is the reddest of GOP-lovin' towns in Florida, and it'll probably vote 2/3 in favor of Johnny Senile and Sarah McNuts. But seven thousand openly Democratic Pensacolians is a big day for the world.
Naturally, I take credit for this development. Well, one seven-thousandth the credit: my mom was one of the proudly pro-Obama Pensacolians to support our next First Lady. All these years of my pointing out the obvious defects of Monkey Boy and his evil administration have made a difference.
Actually, Mom knew W was a monkey the day she first witnessed him mangle the English language. But at least now she's proudly bearing her political stripes on the outside. In Pensacola. Like thousands of others... supporting a black man. This is a big deal.

When I was a kid, three of Pensacola's (then) four public high schools were forcibly desegregated. We're talking the early 1970s. The KKK rallied at Escambia High School, during the Carter administration, to protest this desegregation (and the renaming of the school's mascot from 'Rebel' to 'Gator'). So just imagine how backwards things must've been during the 50s and 60s. When Mom was a kid.
Not long ago you'd be in trouble if you had to find a white southerner talking positive about black Democrats. Political correctness in Dixie runs... that is, used to run counter to the model Limbaugh et al constantly lament.
And Barack Obama is changing that.
Now it's your turn. Talk to your parents, your grandparents, aunts and uncles. They're not as grumpy as you might think.
10/13/2008 07:46:00 AM
- Unlike Bill Ayers, G. Gordon Liddy is a convict. A federally-convicted felon, he spent four years in prison before (incredulously, no doubt) being pardoned by Jimmy Carter.
The significance is this - Liddy is a close friend of John McCain's.
What's really sick is Liddy hosts a popular talk show from a DC-area radio station. The entire right wing pals around with domestic terrorists.
But you already knew that.
10/11/2008 02:38:00 PM
Is Sarah Palin Guilty or Not Guilty?
The quick answer -
She's guilty on count 1, not guilty on count 2.
For a deeper perspective, a primer is apparently needed (even some guy claiming to be a lawyer on Daily Kos muddled the report's findings).
SO here it is, as simple as I can make it:
THE PLAYERS: Sarah Palin | |
CHARGE ONE: Palin illegally pressured Monegan to fire Trooper Wooten (Monegan refused). | CHARGE TWO: Palin subsequently illegally fired Monegan for refusing to fire Wooten. |
STATUS: GUILTY By pressuring Monegan to fire Wooten, Palin violated Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a).  She did not have the right to fire Wooten, nor to have him fired, and therefore is guilty of abusing her powers. | STATUS: NOT GUILTY Palin's motives for firing Monegan are irrelevant.  Whether the ugly divorce between her sister and brother-in-law Wooten shaped her decision to fire Monegan, she did have the right to fire Monegan at will. |
10/11/2008 12:31:00 PM
The Alaska state legislature is headed up by the woman you see here - Lyda Green.  As Senate President, Ms. Green could initiate impeachment hearings against Sarah Palin (check out Section 20).  You know, the "lady" who has just been found guilty of abusing her power.
Would Lyda Green be moved to impeach Palin?  Watch the video in my previous entry for the obvious answer.  It'll be a beautiful, poetic-justice sort of day if Ms. Green moves in this direction.
10/11/2008 10:35:00 AM
10/11/2008 01:50:00 AM

Professor Marcello Truzzi coined the expression Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.  Carl Sagan popularized the slogan, a simplifying of the sentiment expressed by Hume and LaPlace in the 18th century: if you tell a tall tale, you need tall proof.
This slogan is familiar among skeptics who regularly challenge pseudo-scientific wackos to "put up or shut up."  If you want the claim to be taken seriously that a UFO landed in your back yard, you'd better have more than some kicked-up dirt to show for it.
The Truzzi axiom should also be familiar to Obama supporters.  If I were a pundit, I'd repeat it constantly: extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof - put up or shut up.  McCain's claim that Obama is closely associated with terrorists is supported by no more than the predictably ordinary evidence that Obama had a couple minor encounters with a shady character or two.  Nothing more compelling than standard political encounters due to simple geographic proximity.
But pseudoscientist McCain isn't done just yet.  Today he's attaching a "challenge" to his extraordinary claims: prove us wrong... prove Obama is not closely tied to radical terrorists.  Naturally, this challenge is as logically flawed as the basic claim itself, since you can't prove a negative.  It's Logic 101.
If I claimed somewhere on Earth there exists a unicorn, I'd be nuts to expect the rest of the world to prove me wrong.  But this is exactly what McCain's doing - instead of "proving" Obama's a radical, Muslim-sympathizing, terrorist-loving, Manchurian candidate, he's challenged Obama to prove otherwise.
But we shouldn't be too concerned this appeal to pseudologic will change the minds of many voters.  Like everything else about McCain/Palin's recent efforts, their "terrorist" claims and embracing of negative proof will only be blindly accepted by the most neanderthal of the neocon voter base.  You know, the same logically-challenged bunch of cretins who believes the Bible is wholly and literally true.
While most Americans probably don't know who Truzzi was, most understand the extraordinary maxim in their bones.  And most understand the absurdity of looking for negative proof.
McCain is in a nosedive, and I'm loving every minute of it.
10/09/2008 11:39:00 AM
Dude, this is awesome.
Andy Martin, to which Hannity devoted one of his shows, has called Israelis "Slimy Jews" and thinks the Holocaust was a good idea.
"You'll admit you're anti-semitic?"
I bet Hannity had to change his drawers afterwards.
Like Rachel Maddow said tonight, Gibbs didn't do anything superhuman. He remained calm, stated his case numerous times, and never let the poodle nipping at his pant leg bark louder than he.
Shemp Hannity was rightly BITCH-SLAPPED.
10/08/2008 11:57:00 AM

10/06/2008 11:50:00 AM
you the Keating Five"

Saw it on Politico.
About fucking time.
Not to mention McCain's association with the US Council for World Freedom.
If Obama whips that baby out, it's over!
10/03/2008 11:53:00 AM

- How can women stomach this crap? Palin's delivery is Fran Drescher meets Gidget. It's the ugliest piece of the reverse-elitism card she plays. And she plays it often.
Just imagine if a man running for Vice President, during the singular VP debate of an election, used phrases like:
- "You betcha!"
- "Yer darn right!"
- "Joe Six-Pack"
- "That's fer sure"
And so on.
(By the way, I'm looking forward to Tina Fey bringing down the house with more direct quotes from Palin's own lines.)
Among its other ills, sexism claims women aren't to be taken as seriously as men. If a woman says something profound, it must be a lie, or she must be a liberal. But if a woman can deliver a serious line while keeping the bimbo persona intact, well, that's a different story altogether.
No doubt Palin's performance tickled the hard right - it was obviously programmed to do so. But I think the reserve sexism angle will bother more women than it comforts.
Won't surprise me if most women come away from the debate with a lower opinion of Palin. Time will very soon tell.
10/03/2008 07:38:00 AM

Palin acts exactly as the press says she acts.
And the GOP knows it.
The GOP has raised expectations for tonight's VP debate, touting Palin's pit bull personality. According to politico.com, the Alaskan witch-free governor is poised to "go after" Joe Biden tonight. Something about his gaffes, foreign policy decisions, and 2007 campaign against other Democratic candidates.
Is this a ploy to frighten Biden? Of course not. It is a ploy, yes. But not one directed at Joe Biden.
It's directed at Palin herself.
Palin is so moldable, so coachable, and so devoid of genuine self-deprecation, that she can only "kick ass" tonight if she's been properly brainwashed into thinking she'll "kick ass" tonight.
GOP strategists are capitalizing on the realization Palin mirrors the expectations she's subjected to. Her increasingly poor performances in (non-Shemp Hannity) interviews illustrate this perfectly:
- She was expected by many to perform poorly with Charlie Gibson
- She did perform poorly
- All over the news: Palin performed poorly
- Polls react - Grampy McSame/Caribou Barbie popularity plummet
- Palin sees the news; sees the polls, and so...
- The next time around, with Couric, she does even worse
And so the GOP realized Palin does what the press says she does. Problem? Not if they can use the press to take advantage of this fact.
Now you know why, after spending the past few days pouring confidence into the shallowest of pools, GOP strategists have "leaked" the story that their candidate is poised to thrash Joe Biden tonight.
By "warning" the press of Palin's imminent attacks on Biden, they're molding/coaching Palin into the pit bull they hope to see tonight.
Incredibly, this proves Palin is weaker -- intellectually -- than Bush. She's no good at the lowered expectations game; the GOP's only move is to play her up beforehand. Risky business. Even W was able to famously exploit the phenomenon of lowered expectations in 2000.
But Palin's so concerned about her image the GOP has nothing else to do than brainwash her, then tell the press she's in top form, and hold their breath for 90 minutes.
Yet another "Hail Mary" pass by the McCain campaign.