4/08/2006 02:14:00 PM

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Thank you, Ms. Rhodes, for pointing out the obvious comparison

Thank you, Randi Rhodes, for your pointing out of the obvious comparison (no, that's not meant as sarcasm).

KUDOS to Harry Taylor, of Charlotte, NC, who courageously stood up to the "president," despite a crowd of apparently pro-Bush neoconanderthals, and told George Bush he should be ashamed of himself.

Naturally, many of the right wing nutsacks online and on air responded with their rallying cry, "WATCH WHAT YOU SAY!" or "what a retarded thing to say to the president!" No need to tell you how allergic to free speech the rabid right is.

Interestingly, Taylor is yet another "anachronism," if you believe the neocon propaganda: he's a businessman.

Thanks Harry!
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