8/16/2008 12:42:00 PM

(5) Comments

Jerome Corsi: Child Pornographer?

Is Jerome Corsi a Child Pornographer?

Is Jerome Corsi a child pornographer?

I'm no journalist, and I haven't the resources to research this allegation . . . but someone out there should really check this thing out.

This site has some pretty compelling evidence that the same Jerome Corsi of Unfit for Command, Swift Boats for Truth (sic), and now Obama Nation fame was convicted just five years ago for peddling child porn.

Anyone taking politics seriously should read Jerome Corsi's biography before buying anything else by the man (sic).

This isn't an allegation - just a question. An innocent little question couldn't hurt, regardless how untrue or libelous its implications may be... am I right?

Again, here's the link - Jerome Corsi Bio

5 Responses to "Jerome Corsi: Child Pornographer?"
Anonymous said :
8/18/2008 02:45:00 AM
total slander - you should go to jail for this claim
Anonymous said :
8/18/2008 05:09:00 AM
bwah ha ha HA HA HA HAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said :
8/20/2008 10:40:00 AM
Anonymous said :
8/27/2011 03:35:00 PM
Its true..do a criminal background search on him yourself...ITS TRUE...
Convicted in 2003 of CHILD PORN RING charges...that is a felony...
Anonymous said :
8/27/2011 03:39:00 PM
Correction Jim:

Its not slander if its true..and IT IS TRUE...and it involves children about 3 years old..

Happened in Arizona..sheriff there helped keep him from serving time.. was suppose to have served 30 days..he is not listed in sex offenders either...thats cause the sheriff again covered it up for him. Makes you wonder about the sheriff too...????