4/22/2006 10:49:00 AM

(2) Comments


Man, I'm beat tonight. Whatever happened to the days when processing for a deployment could be accomplished in a day? I guess, like the days when we had enough people and equipment to do our job productively and comfortably, they're long-gone.

Can't write much, or even especially cogently when I come home zapped & anxious about this upcoming "vacation" to warworld.

SO... time to rest on my laurels: check out this nifty image . . .


2 Responses to "Warworld"
Anonymous said :
4/25/2006 11:32:00 AM
Nice motor
Anonymous said :
5/31/2006 05:52:00 PM
100% agreement with you. Recently had "superiors" force one of my airmen to remove a bumper sticker from his car that read "When Clinton lied no one died". They said it was bad mouthing the "commander in chief". It says nothing about Bush, so if they think it is bad mouthing the CinC, then they are admitting he lied! Anyhow like you say military conservatives are a fast disappearing group. The only ones I find anymore are ignorant kids or crusty old officers still telling Clinton jokes. As for the kids it usually goes like this-

Young troop: Sarge I saw such and such on the news and don't understand.
Old Sarge: (trying to avoid politics while talking about the government) Well airman it's like this, blah blah blah.
Young troop: (look of shock on face) Fucking Republicans! What the fuck! See if I fucking reenlist! What do you mean Rumsfeld says the VA is the biggest waste of money in the DoD!? And so on..

Keep your head down, and try your best to avoid any airmen with weapons (we don't get qualified very often)

Best Regards,
Pissed Off AF Sarge