5/15/2006 01:51:00 AM
First of all, I am well, and we are well. Long gone are the comfy moments in Kuwait City; I'm nowhere near such a relative bastion of modernity.Obviously, I can't tell you guys much about what I'm doing right now, as I am no
traitor Karl Rove. But I can tell you the revelation I'm not some unemployed tree-hugging Vermonter high on 'shrooms, living off the government penny (well, that's debatable), but in fact am a senior member of the armed forces has really gotten under the skin of quite a few colorful characters.
So, with nothing else valuable to throw in at this point, I thought I'd take a moment to entertain you with the ramblings of one such wrapped-too-tight asshole. Behold the warrant officer (sic).
Some CWO, or some such similarly useless bag of shit, emailed me about my current status, cited me for "sedition" (ho! I eat CWOs for lunch - this guy'd be fun). Allow me to take take this opportunity to emulate my hero, the great Bartcop, and submit my first ever "Monkey Mail" entry.
"Hey, I read your blog. Sorry you're deployed again. But check this out. If you don't like it, Get the F*** out. I am so sick of working with folks sucking down the combat pay and badmouthing the administration every step of the way."
First of all, you, yourself, admit you work with folks who "badmouth the administration," and judging by the fact you're so "tired" of it, I'd venture to say it happens a lot. Ya think this might mean something? Can you remember a GOP administration being so unpopular among military folk?
Secondly, I'm "sucking down combat pay" so jerkoffs like you can enjoy safer skies in which to spend your whopping three-hour hops, corraling folks in and out of the places I permanently occupy.
Third, it's "FUCK," not "F***." Believe me, o brainwashed fool, you will not go to hell if you type out the word "FUCK."
"Please tell me you are not in charge of troops with your screwed up attitude. (I'm praying maybe you're a shop supervisor with a very small section)"
My guys love me, and I've got nearly a hundred of them. Next question?
"I'm working on year 30 and getting ready to deploy the fourth time in four years. I'm proud to know our contributions are keeping your pretty little family there safe. If you don't believe in the mission (from there in dangerous Kuwait) then just do us a favor and get out."
I'm sure your "if you don't believe in the mission" shtick was silenced during Kosovo; all you neocons were pissed Bill Clinton oversaw such a successful operation. So stick the pretense where the sun don't shine, bud. And Kuwait was just a stop; a chance to blog for awhile before pushing out. Try reading it again: "hurry up an wait" was the played-on phrase.
Shit man, I wish I was in Kuwait.
"PS Your parody web site is probably the most sophomoric attempt at humor I ever seen. Here's a hint. If you want to be funny, try to be clever or ironic or maybe try having your kid do your graphics. But then that's how you libs are aren't you. You whine and decry the 'mean-spirited' conservatives, but in your little rat holes where you don't think anyone can see, you demonstrate what hypocritical name-calling buffoons you all are."
Uh, you're the one whining here, chief. I'm minding my own business. No one forced you to point your mouse to my site and read it. I'm just keeping my creative self alive, and you - obviously without imagination or the ability to put your own material together - feel the need to vent on a complete stranger.
"Also, Are you familiar with the term, 'sedition'?"
Ha! Obviously you've spent thirty years not learning a thing but how to point a stick and mash a button. Go out and read a little more than your flight manual sometime.
Think about it: if you're "sick of working with folks badmouthing the administration," it's not them. It's you.
Maybe you just need to get the FUCK out.
3 Responses to "MONKEY MAIL!"
if you should see Osama on one of Your Fly-by's tell him George Bush misses him and wishes he would send
video's and flower's more often.
One of you actually said the following:
"...every Democratic Primary Candidate in 03-04 who stood on those stages and told our enemy that we were split politically and they could still win the war if they just stay in the headlines..."
You, o writer of above-quoted stupidity, are clueless. Check it out -
First of all, who the fuck said our enemies "could still win the war if they just stay in the headlines"? That's right - nobody. You just made that shit up. If you interpret someone's disagreement with the GOP to mean, "our enemies can win the war if they just stay in the headlines." then you are, quite simply, an imbecile. Most people, even those from backwards cultures, can fathom what democracy means. Apparently you cannot.
Secondly, if you think *any* Iraqi is sitting around, keeping track of commentary by campaigning American politicians, then you have even less an idea of what it's really like in Iraq than someone like Paris Hilton does.
So go back to your fantasy world of PSP and myspace.com, and keep in mind: the ones who actually fight in war -- not the ones who rabidly pursue it without first giving it some educated consideration -- more often than not are the opposite of your hero, Mr. retardo-boy, assclown George Bush, and his controllers.
One person does not like one political party and writes about it.
Except writing about this party angers another person who for some
unknown reason feels some attachment to some particular politician or his/her party.
If some dipshit wrote publicly and just like this in quotes "Your Mother is a Whore!" would You take it seriously?
No,You would blow it off as the Bullshit it is.
So the Your party did this and Your party did that counts for what?
I've got news for You kids.
The Saudi's are running America and that pisses Me off.
The Government is bought and sold daily to the lobby'ist with the most money,The Hottest Prostitutes and the best Overseas vacation packages.
There is no Two party system anymore there is only one,And for Gods sake if You want it to end You'll have to run for office and
throw those MotherFucker's out.
The Government is not a buisness and buisness is not the government,
Dont get me started on the money for prayers for votes lobbie's.
There is only one William Jefferson Clinton and only one George Walker Bush and You aint one of the two.
You Guy's watch Your asses over there.
Come Home Soon and Thank You!