4/05/2007 10:44:00 AM

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What Newt meant to say

And if that doesn't work, you can download it here.

As for the real thing,


My wife and I speak Spanish at home. It's her first language; I learned it in Panama. And we have this let's-poke-fun-at-a-certain-relative inside joke where I speak it, but with the worst possible accent ever. As "gringo" as I can sound. Yes, making fun of a family member. So what?

Anyway, you can imagine our delight when we saw this video of Newt reading Spanish from a teleprompter. Oh my fucking god, it's a classic. Barney the White House pooch speaks more Spanish than this testicularly-challenged/high-voiced neoconanderthal.

Bwah ha ha!



What a disaster. Apparently the YouTube conversion drastically altered the clip's audio. On YouTube the thing is 90% sound effects, 10% Gingrich speech.

So far very few views, and one very low review (can you blame the guy?).

A quasi-educated guess? The "Gingrich" voice (mine) speech was in mono, but the sound effects (ambience and applause) were in stereo, and this mono/stereo mix doesn't convert too well into Flash (or whatever it is YouTube used).

Working on the YouTube video right now...


Deleted original video from YouTube, resubmitted. Fingers crossed.


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