11/22/2009 10:59:00 AM

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RedPussyState.org would rather report on its own incompetence than acknowledge the GOP just got kicked in the balls.

Hey hey hey - 60 votes!

The whole world just witnessed Harry Reid's winning dice roll.  The Senate has moved past the dreaded filibuster on the health care reform act debate, and now Congress is scheduling numerous, numerous pissing contests for the next year.  You know, to decide which "shoulds" shall be "shalls," and which "shalls" should be "shoulds."

Even FOX "news" is reporting it.  Really!

But Red- "ow my balls" -State.org... well, they've just got more important news to report:

By the way, dipshits, 'standby' is a noun. The verb is 'stand' and its adverb 'by.'
Oh, yes it is.

Incidentally, RedPussy, 'standby' is a noun.  As in "the crew is on standby."  If you're telling someone to stand by, it'd be two words.  Dipshits.

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RedPussyState.org would rather report on its own incompetence than acknowledge the GOP just got kicked in the balls.
